Sometimes being a good neighbor involves going the extra mile…in their vehichle. A rainy spring had trenched Vermont, 26 days of June rain drowned plants and stifled the suns rays. I was soaking wet and it hadn’t even broken 80 degrees, I needed some heat! Luck shined down (pardon me!), my neighbor was moving to Arizona and needed one of their vehichles driven to Tuscon. I jumped at the oppurtunity to head to the southwest and into the oven. Driving a little SUV with a Uhaul trailer I made my way across the midwest and south to the Texas/Mexico border at Big Bend National Park. After a couple of days of camping and shooting I continued on to Arizona. From Tuscon I slung my thumb and hitchhiked to Phoenix, SoCal, San Francisco, Tahoe, and Portland before catching a jet airliner home.